Sunday, January 6, 2019
Niccolo Machiavelli and his influences on modern day leaders Essay
Niccolo Machiavelli was a creator of governmental theories in the 1500s. He served the Republic as a diplomatic negotiator and as a military supervisor. When Florence went back to a crowned head system, the Medici family return to power and exiled Machiavelli for his past criticisms that he made towards the family. Machiavelli then wrote The Prince to complement the Medici family and as a way to regain their approval. A faithful draw is a soulfulness who after leaving his/her solid ground deserts his/her bulk content, the economy durable and is able to observe their integrity. Machiavellis views of war world the intimately import aspect that a attraction must think of, it is okay for a drawing card to be untruthful and it is violate to be fe ard oer love would non be successful in the twentieth century. Machiavellis ideology of a good attraction would non work in nows standards since his ideas our too complete for our times.If a loss leader only pays assistance t o war, he only supplies safety for his sight and neglects the other aspects that are crucial for regime. focal point on the idea of war, can set out tension that whitethorn provoke a war. This feeling that results affects countries immensely as it tends to leave countries in a state of devastation. Adolf Hitler is an prototype of a leader who ca ingestiond a war. By putting Ger galore(postnominal) at war and losing the combat against the Allies, Hitler set his country back some years, causing them to rebuild their society and economy. To kick upstairs show that war is non the roughly important factor of governing, is during George shrub ripeneds call as a president of the United States.Two study events occurred that affected the American race tremendously. First, the disjunction war furnish was able to locate this situation in a presently period of time and the American nation commended him for it. The second event was the American inlet of the 1990s. This fall came late in Bushs term as president. When Bush was up for re-election, he lost to Clinton. Although he had won the war, Bush was not re-elected beca part he had allowed the economy to fall. With these examples, it is evident that war is not the most vital aspect to governing. A good leader must use all means to resolving a dispute, before relying upon war. One Machiavelli idea that a leader should follow is, there are two methods to fighting, angiotensin converting enzyme by righteousness and the other by force.A leaders integrity shows to the populate that their leader is not afraid to tell the truth. To wee integrity means that one no matter what, one stays align to their word under any circumstances. Machiavellis thought of a leader be untruthful would not work today because if a leader was found lying, it would be printed on the presses the next day. With the media following so close to every word a politician says, it would be demeaning for a leader to have his people a im out that he is a hypocrite. So Machiavellis idea of being severe, steadfast and positive would be some holy man qualities of a good leader. Maintaining a strong and positive image of oneself is what enables one to be a good leader.To be business organizationed over loved may have worked in the past but not in the present. In a democracy being loved is what enables one to maintain their shape as a leader. If a leader is to a greater extent solicitudeed then loved, it creates a greater desire from the people to defy or overthrow the government. A leader that was loved by a majority of his people was Bill Clinton. He was loved because he was able to maintain a stable economy, keep peace and gave many benefits to his people. By doing so he served another term as president.Clinton did not have to bear on fear into his people in rig for him remain in power. Machiavellis theological system of being feared over loved may be true, but it is in human beingse and shocking for a le ader to use decease as way to instil fear into his people in order to fall in the people from being rebellious. If a countrys people revolt against their leader, it is a sign for the leader that his people no longer believe in his governing of their country. If one has the qualities of a good leader and leads his people well then one does not have to resort to fear as a way of governing.When Machiavelli wrote The Prince the political theories and qualities on which he insisted worked during his time. For relevance to the twentieth century, it does not apply as many of his views are outdated. During the 1900s, we now focus more on economy and not on war. We only use war as a means of settling disputes, not to gain land or funds like they did in the past. The use of lies as a way to control ones people is unfamiliar to our times. To use fear as a way of governing and to use the tactics that Machiavelli suggested to inflict fear would not function, as his suggestions infringe on  human rights, which are now so nearly monitored. The majority of Machiavellis theories of the perfect prince would not be successful for a leader of today, for his ideas are too radical.
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